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is the favorite asian trade directory of PLA Biodegradable suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, importers and wholesalers. If you are looking for reliable PLA Biodegradable manufacturers, it is the ideal resource for your sourcing needs.

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List Product of PLA Biodegradable 1 - 4 of 4
image of PLA Biodegradable - PLA Cosmetic Packaging

PLA Cosmetic Packaging (PLA reusable-04) (2024-06-06)

PLA Biodegradable product features: 100% biodegradable PLA bottles Cosmetics, lotion, and pill jars have expiration dates, which are used in large quantities by ordinary households. Plastic jars can cause recyc...
From: SHANG SHIEN CHENG INDUSTRY CO., LTD.   [Taiwan Manufacturer / Supplier]
[ The idea of a “biodegradable” plastic suggests a material that would degrade to little or nothing over a period of time, posing less of a hazar... ]
[ Sell PBS Bio, Biodegradable Plastic Sheets, PLA Compound, Biodegradable Masterbatch, PLA Biodegradable, Biodegradable Material, Biodegradable Injection Molding, Biodegradable Disposables, Burial Urns, Biodegradable Urn ]
Keywords: PLA Biodegradable PLA Cosmetic Packaging 
[ PLA Biodegradable ] [ Biodegradable Plastic ] [ Biodegradable Products ] [ PBS BIO ] [ Biodegradable Plastic Sheets ] [ PLA Compound ]

image of PLA Biodegradable - Eco Friendly Hair Clips

Eco Friendly Hair Clips (PLA reusable-03) (2024-06-06)

PLA Biodegradable product features: 100% Biodegradable PLA hair clip Every woman has several hair clips, and most of them are made of plastic. When the hairpin is lost, broken, or wanted to be eliminated, it is...
From: SHANG SHIEN CHENG INDUSTRY CO., LTD.   [Taiwan Manufacturer / Supplier]
[ The idea of a “biodegradable” plastic suggests a material that would degrade to little or nothing over a period of time, posing less of a hazar... ]
[ Sell PBS Bio, Biodegradable Plastic Sheets, PLA Compound, Biodegradable Masterbatch, PLA Biodegradable, Biodegradable Material, Biodegradable Injection Molding, Biodegradable Disposables, Burial Urns, Biodegradable Urn ]
Keywords: PLA Biodegradable Eco Friendly Hair Clips 
[ PLA Biodegradable ] [ Biodegradable Plastic ] [ Biodegradable Products ] [ PBS BIO ] [ Biodegradable Plastic Sheets ] [ PLA Compound ]

image of PLA Biodegradable - PLA Bowls

PLA Bowls (PLA reusable-02) (2024-06-06)

PLA Biodegradable product features: 100% biodegradable PLA tableware- Bowl and plate Cutlery used every day, if you don’t want to have the problem of falling and breaking, but also take care of your healt...
From: SHANG SHIEN CHENG INDUSTRY CO., LTD.   [Taiwan Manufacturer / Supplier]
[ The idea of a “biodegradable” plastic suggests a material that would degrade to little or nothing over a period of time, posing less of a hazar... ]
[ Sell PBS Bio, Biodegradable Plastic Sheets, PLA Compound, Biodegradable Masterbatch, PLA Biodegradable, Biodegradable Material, Biodegradable Injection Molding, Biodegradable Disposables, Burial Urns, Biodegradable Urn ]
Keywords: PLA Biodegradable PLA Bowls 
[ PLA Biodegradable ] [ Biodegradable Plastic ] [ Biodegradable Products ] [ PBS BIO ] [ Biodegradable Plastic Sheets ] [ PLA Compound ]

image of PLA Biodegradable - PLA Tableware

PLA Tableware (PLA reusable-01 ) (2024-06-06)

PLA Biodegradable product features: 100% biodegradable PLA tableware- Chopsticks and fork spoon Cutlery used every day, if you don’t want to have the problem of falling and breaking, but also take care of...
From: SHANG SHIEN CHENG INDUSTRY CO., LTD.   [Taiwan Manufacturer / Supplier]
[ The idea of a “biodegradable” plastic suggests a material that would degrade to little or nothing over a period of time, posing less of a hazar... ]
[ Sell PBS Bio, Biodegradable Plastic Sheets, PLA Compound, Biodegradable Masterbatch, PLA Biodegradable, Biodegradable Material, Biodegradable Injection Molding, Biodegradable Disposables, Burial Urns, Biodegradable Urn ]
Keywords: PLA Biodegradable PLA Tableware 
[ PLA Biodegradable ] [ Biodegradable Plastic ] [ Biodegradable Products ] [ PBS BIO ] [ Biodegradable Plastic Sheets ] [ PLA Compound ]

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