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HPMA-Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride - Result of HPAA
Product Name: HPMA-Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride
Item No.:
Product Description : HPMA-Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride (through the mail address (victoria at thwater dot net) to contact with me directly for the item) CAS No. 26099-09-2 Properties: HPMA is a low molecular weight polymeride, with average molecular weight 400-800. No toxicity, soluble in water, high chemi...
Manufacturer/Factory : Shandong Taihe Treatment Treatment Co.,Ltd
Categories: Chemical > Catalyst,Chemical Auxiliary > Chemical for Water Processing

Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride (HPMA) - Result of HPAA
Product Name: Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride (HPMA)
Item No.:
HPMA 50%
Product Description : PAA(liquid only), PAAS(liquid only), HPMA, MA/AA, AA/AMPS,T-225,PCA, PESA(green,non-pollution), PASP (green,non-pollution). Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride (HPMA),HPMA 48%, HPMA liquid, HPMA polymer,HPMA(CAS No. 26099-09-2) Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride (HPMA) CAS No. 26099-09-2 ...
Manufacturer/Factory : Shandong Taihe Water Treatment Co.,Ltd
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment

 HPAA--2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA) - Result of HPAA
Product Name: HPAA--2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA)
Item No.:
Product Description : 2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA) CAS No 23783-26-8 Molecular Formula: C2H5O6P Molecular weight: 156 Properties of HPAA: HPAA is chemically stable, hard to be hydrolyzed, hard to be destroyed by acid or alkali, safety in use, no toxicity, no pollution. HPAA can ...
Manufacturer/Factory : Shandong Taihe Water Treatment Co.,Ltd.
Categories: Chemical > Organic Chemical Material > Other Organic Chemical Materials

HPAA - Result of HPAA
Product Name: HPAA
Item No.:
HPAA 48%
Product Description : HPAA, HPAA(CAS No. 23783-26-8),HPAA 50%, HPAA liquid PAA(liquid only), PAAS(liquid only), HPMA, MA/AA, AA/AMPS,T-225,PCA, PESA(green,non-pollution), PASP (green,non-pollution). 2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA) CAS No. 23783-26-8 Molecular Formula of HPAA: C2H5O6P ...
Manufacturer/Factory : Shandong Taihe Water Treatment Co.,Ltd
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment

2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA) - Result of HPAA
Product Name: 2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA)
Item No.:
Product Description : 2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA) CAS No 23783-26-8 Molecular Formula: C2H5O6P Molecular weight: 156 Structural Formula: Properties: HPAA is chemically stable, hard to be hydrolyzed, hard to be destroyed by acid or alkali, safety in use, no toxicity, n...
Manufacturer/Factory : Shandong Taihe Water Treatment Co., Ltd.
Categories: Chemical > Chemical Reagent

Polyhydric alcohol phosphate ester (PAPE) - Result of HPAA
Product Name: Polyhydric alcohol phosphate ester (PAPE)
Item No.:
Product Description : Polyhydric alcohol phosphate ester (PAPE) Structural Formula: Properties : PAPE is a new kind of water treatment chemicals. It has good scale and corrosion inhibition ability. Because more than one ployethylene glycol group is introduced into the molecular, the scale and corrosion inhibit...
Manufacturer/Factory : Shandong Taihe Water Treatment Co., Ltd.
Categories: Chemical > Other Chemical

HPAA--2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid - Result of HPAA
Product Name: HPAA--2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid
Item No.:
CAS No 23783-26-8
Product Description : CAS No 23783-26-8 Molecular Formula:C2H5O6P Molecular weight:156 Properties: HPAA is chemically stable, hard to be hydrolyzed, hard to be destroyed by acid or alkali, safety in use, no toxicity, no pollution. HPAA can improve zinc solubility. Its corrosion inhibition ability is 5-8 times bett...
Manufacturer/Factory : Shandong Taihe Water Treatment Co.,Ltd.
Categories: Chemical > Organic Chemical Material > Carboxylic Acid,Carboxylic Derivative

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