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List Products for Caramel Syrup 136 - 150 of 217
Winter Melon Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Winter Melon Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Winter Melon Syrupgathers the essence of the juicy taste of winter melon with a ripe, sweet fruit flavor. This kind of winter melon comes to Taiwan and grows on sunny slopes. The delicate and juicy taste will definitely make the drink have a great flavor! Winter Melon Syrupis made with real wi...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Watermelon Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Watermelon Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Watermelon Syrupis the sales champion in Central and Eastern Europe, especially in Russia where watermelons are widely eaten. Watermelons can be sliced directly and are more suitable for being added to salads or made into refreshing desserts, such as: watermelon popsicles and ice cream. And Water...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Strawberry Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Strawberry Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : The aromatic Strawberry Syrupis specially made with specially selected strawberry juice concentrate. It has a solid and rich strawberry aroma that lingers in the nose and mouth, adding texture to the drink. It is sweet and sour and refreshing. It is suitable for direct brewing and adding ice cube...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Rose Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Rose Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : The mysterious and elegant rose enjoys the reputation of “Queen of Flowers” since ancient times. Rose Syrupperfectly interprets the elegant aroma and subtle taste of roses. The sweet and slightly bitter taste can be added to cocktails or non-alcoholic beverages, like slush, smoothies,...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Caramel Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Caramel Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Caramel Syrupcombines delicious and fragrant caramel toffee flavors, with a smooth texture and rich layers. Suitable for use with caramel macchiato, latte, cappuccino, milkshake, smoothie and other drinks. The sweet and sweet flavor, strong and distinct, is not only a casual drenching of sauce, b...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Pineapple Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Pineapple Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Pineapple Syruphas a strong aroma, rich in the warmth and flavor of tropical fruits. The distinctive sweet and sour taste is suitable for making hot and cold drinks, and can also be used with various fruit teas or tropical refreshing drinks. Pineapple Syrupis used in the blending to make the laye...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Peach Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Peach Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Every summer is the season when the peaches are ripe. The flesh of the peaches in the season is full and juicy, fragrant and delicious, and it can always make people enjoy endless aftertaste. As long as you usePeach Syrup, you can enjoy the sweet fragrance of peaches throughout the year. Let the ...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Passion Fruit Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Passion Fruit Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Passion Fruit Syruphas a unique aroma, sweet and sour taste, and can be easily blended into a stylish and memorable drink. The fruit flavor that is popular in summer in Taiwan. Passion Fruit Syrupis sweet and has obvious sourness.It is suitable for the preparation of juice, tea, smoothies, desser...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Orange Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Orange Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Orange Syrupis the new productof our flavor syrup series. It does not contain any alcohol, but has a rich aroma, mixed with the natural aroma of citrus, and has a fresh, mellow and aromatic taste. Silky and unforgettable. Whether it is paired with dairy products or coffee, or used in sparkling dr...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Green Mango Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Green Mango Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Green Mango Syrupis one of the most unique, non-tropical flavors of mangoes that brings you a great crisp taste. Best serve as fruit teas, and also a good addition to smoothies, shakes, and more. There are many dishes that can be made with mango. The well-known early table dessert in Taiwan, M...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Lychee Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Lychee Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : The lychee pulp is translucent and gelatinous, crystal clear like white jade, with a grape-like taste and elegant floral fragrance, and has the beauty of color, fragrance and taste. The bright pink color of Lychee Syruphas a little orange, which makes people salivate. It is suitable for smoothies...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Lemon Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Lemon Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : The sweet and sour taste of Lemon Syrupis suitable for making drinks or adding to desserts. Add a mint leaf to embellish it, and you can indulge in the refreshing taste of summer. Suitable for drinks, and making slush, smoothies, fruit juices, flavored teas, frozen yogurt, shaved ice, and even al...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Kumquat Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Kumquat Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : Taiwan has a good taste here! Special selection of Taiwanese Kumquat Syrup, the sweet and sour taste is fresh and elegant; the refreshing aroma of lemon is mouth-watering; with the aftertaste of fresh orange peel, it outlines a rich taste level! As long as it is paired with Kumquat Syrup, it can ...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Kiwi Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Kiwi Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : We recommend you to try Kiwi Syrupfor its unique fruity flavor and the unforgettable beautiful emerald green. Kiwi originated in China and later grown in New Zealand. Kiwi is the name of the national bird of New Zealand. Kiwis have emerald green flesh that other fruits can't match. The fresh ...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

Green Tea Syrup - Result of Caramel Syrup
Product Name: Green Tea Syrup
Item No.:
Product Description : The rich emerald green of Green Tea Syruppresents the royal characteristics of the famous Japanese tea with its name and natural green. In cold drinks (such as lattes, smoothies and cocktails), embrace the unique and refreshing green tea flavor and the surprising lemongrass aroma. Green Tea Syrup...
Manufacturer/Factory : .
Categories: Food,Beverages > Tea > Bubble Tea Syrup

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