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Asia radiant barrier manufacturer provide comprehensive radiant barrier selling information on export industry. All these qualify hot radiant barrier made in Asia, connecting reliable Asian radiant barrier manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, OEM/ODM, factories with global radiant barrier buyers.

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List Selling Leads for radiant barrier 21 - 30 of 147
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Polyethylene Film - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Polyethylene Film
Item No.: 5-3
[ Polyethylene Film: Taiwan R.O.C. Weight:10gsm ~ 100gsm Width:80mm ~ 2000mm Color available on White, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Black color or customer idea. Print : Ab... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Kae Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Textile,Raw Material > Polyethylene Fabric

Protective Aprons - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Protective Aprons
Item No.: 6-3
[ Protective Apron Fabrics Taiwan R.O.C. Weight:50gsm ~ 90gsm Width:1397mm ~ 2032mm ) Color : Regular White color and most colors are welcome by demand. Protective Apron Fa... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Kae Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Textile,Raw Material > Apron Fabric

Disposable Medical Gowns - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Disposable Medical Gowns
Item No.: 7-1
[ Gown Fabric Taiwan R.O.C. Weight:38gsm ~ 150gsm Width:1397mm ~ 2032mm Color:White, Yellow, Orange. Colors desire by customer is welcome. Kae Hwa Gown Fabric are base ma... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Kae Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Textile,Raw Material > Gown Fabric

Medical Gown - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Medical Gown
Item No.: 7-3
[ Medical Gown Fabric Taiwan R.O.C. Weight:60 ~ 90gsm Width:1397mm ~ 2032mm Color:White or any desirable colors by requested. A qualify Medical Gown Fabric require the eve... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Kae Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Textile,Raw Material > Gown Fabric

Anti-Mite Mattress Cover - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Anti-Mite Mattress Cover
Item No.: 9-3
[ FOTEX Anti-Mite Mattress cover Taiwan R.O.C. Weight: 65gsm ~ 100gsm Width : 60” ~ 80”( 1524mm ~ 2032mm ) Color : White or color by demand are available, also desire printin... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Kae Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Textile,Raw Material > Mattress Cover

Bedding Covers - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Bedding Covers
Item No.: 9-4
[ FOTEX Bedding cover Taiwan R.O.C. Weight: 65gsm ~ 100gsm Width : 60” ~ 80”( 1524mm ~ 2032mm ) Color : White or color by demand are available, also desire printing and desig... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Kae Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Textile,Raw Material > Mattress Cover

Breathable Waterproof Membrane - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Breathable Waterproof Membrane
Item No.: 11-2
[ Polyethylene Breathable Film Taiwan R.O.C. Product weight:10gsm ~ 100gsm Product width:80mm ~ 2000mm Color of the film:Desirable color and printing are acceptable by custom... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Kae Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
Categories: Chemical > Adhesive > Breathable Film

Polypropylene Membrane - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Polypropylene Membrane
Item No.: 12-3
[ Waterproof PE Breathable Membrane Taiwan R.O.C. Product weight:10gsm ~ 100gsm Product width:80mm ~ 2000mm Color of the film:White or any color by desire. Printing Capabili... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Kae Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
Categories: Chemical > Adhesive > PE Membrane

Coating Fabric - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Coating Fabric
Item No.: 8-3
[ PET/PO Coating is suitable to apply on fabric for applications such in tent, canopy and backpacks etc., when it comes to eco-friendly material concerns, PET/PO coating is stable... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : Pocotex Technology Inc.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Textile,Raw Material > Composite Fabric

Medial Arch Support  Insoles - Result of radiant barrier
Sell Product: Medial Arch Support Insoles
Item No.: 10-3
[ 1. Health protect the feet first, regimen should be maintain feet first. Each of our foot is interconnected with 57 joints together with 26 bones connected by 107 ligaments to ... ]
radiant barrier Manufacturer/Factory : YL-FIRST TECHNOLOGY., LTD.
Categories: Apparel,Fashion > Shoe,Shoe Material,Shoe Accessory > Medical Insoles

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