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Asia Filter Housings manufacturer provide comprehensive Filter Housings selling information on export industry. All these qualify hot Filter Housings made in Asia, connecting reliable Asian Filter Housings manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, OEM/ODM, factories with global Filter Housings buyers.

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List Selling Leads for Filter Housings 91 - 100 of 732
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Water Filter Replacement Cartridge - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: Water Filter Replacement Cartridge
Item No.: PP Filter Cartridge_2
[ Big DIA Compatible Filter Cartridges Specification: Big PP filter cartridge: Core diameter: 28 mm , 30 mm Outside diameter: 110 mm Length: 250 mm, 254 mm, 500 mm, 508 mm ... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > PP Filter Cartridge

Pleated Water Filter Cartridge - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: Pleated Water Filter Cartridge
Item No.: Code B
[ Pleated filter cartridge- SOE There are various different "O" ring and blanking end cap designs available on the market, generally with specific applications in mind or to suit... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > Pleated Filter Cartridge

Activated Carbon Air Filter - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: Activated Carbon Air Filter
Item No.: Air Filter_1
[ Carbon impregnated media absorbs a broad range of odors and gases. Granular carbon results in excellent adsorption efficiency. Low pressure drop. ... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Automobile > Auto Parts > Air Filter

Granular Activated Carbon Filter - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: Granular Activated Carbon Filter
Item No.: Activated Carbon Filter Cartridge_2
[ Activated carbon filter cartridge-granule Granule activated carbon filter are making of the natural nutshell activated carbon, coconut shell activated carbon or high quality co... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > Activated Carbon Filter Cartridge

PP Filter Bag - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: PP Filter Bag
Item No.: Filter Bag_3
[ In-depth PP Bag Filter This product is the In-depth type filter made of Polypropylene. Characteristics: High impurity capacity and long service life High ... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > Filter Bag

Plastic Water Filter Housing - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: Plastic Water Filter Housing
Item No.: Plastic Housing_2
[ Plastic housings - B/B Inlet and outlet of water caliber 1" and 1 1/2 in two sizes, bottle is made from reinforced PP material. Large size bottle can be used with higher flow f... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > Plastic Housing

Pleated Water Filter - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: Pleated Water Filter
Item No.: Double Open Ended
[ Pleated filter cartridge- DOE The knife edges are engaged into the end of the cartridge using some kind of compression device, commonly a spring or screw action. Cartridges can... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > Pleated Filter Cartridge

Bag Filter Systems - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: Bag Filter Systems
Item No.: Filter Bag_5
[ Copper powder recover filter This produce of material is bevel design, make strengthen of filter's durable and function of breathe, reduce dregs contact with material directly,... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > Filter Bag

String Wound Cartridge Filter - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: String Wound Cartridge Filter
Item No.: stainless steel inner sleeve
[ String Wound filter cartridge-stainless steel inner sleeve Characteristics: High filter efficiency Large flux and small differential pressure Long ser... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > String Wound Filter Cartridge

String Wound Water Filter - Result of Filter Housings
Sell Product: String Wound Water Filter
Item No.: PTFT inner sleeve
[ String Wound filter cartridge- PTFT inner sleeve Characteristics: High filter efficiency Large flux and small differential pressure Long service life ... ]
Filter Housings Manufacturer/Factory : Ufo-tech Technology Co., Ltd.
Categories: Environment > Water Treatment > String Wound Filter Cartridge

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